Monday 27 July 2015


I'm actually starting to feel sorry for Jeremy Corbyn.

Not only is he the most principled man in the contest, he's actually left wing.

He believes in socialist principles, and instead of loving him, the party is now running scared from him.

Why would a so called left wing party, run scared of a genuinely left wing leader?

I asked Twitter, some people have said:

"Because they value power over principle, it's harder to get a left wing government into power."

"Because they can't win with left wing policies. Most people want to get on, and the left seem to look down on that."

"Because they all like the idea, but don't want to actually live it, they're all plastics."

Quite damning statements from Twitter!

When a genuine Conservative leader finally comes along, the Conservatives don't run scared, they don't plan a coup to get rid, they embrace.

There's more solidarity in the Conservative Party than there is in the Labour Party. Why?

Because we like people bettering themselves, we don't discriminate, if we did would John Major, a working class bloke from Brixton, have become Prime Minister?

Would Margaret Thatcher, Britain's only female Prime Minister, have been elected three times in a row?

A good strong leader, with Conservative values? Come on in!

The left, without knowing it, do discriminate.

Tony Benn, privately educated, adored by the left, yet they want to rid the country of private education.

Harriet Harman, current Labour leader, privately educated, but remember she isn't as posh as Samantha Cameron despite being a niece of an Earl.

All women shortlists, because women are too weak to stand against men?

Paying higher taxes, and when you point out that you could pay higher taxes now, they give you a list of reasons why it wouldn't be viable to pay it right now.

Capitalists, despite all of them being very good capitalists themselves, usually about writing a book on why we should all be anti-capitalists.

Discrimination, hatred, and hypocrisy is the left's downfall.

They won't put their money where their mouths are, in their world it's OK to live like a capitalist, so long as you talk like a socialist.

Unlike Corbyn, who did not want his children going to private school, claims very little on his expenses, and dresses in a rather mediocre fashion.

For the life of me, I actually am starting to like him!

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