Sunday 19 July 2015

Nazi Salute

The Sun released footage of a 7 year old Princess Elizabeth (who in 1933 was never going to be Queen), doing a Nazi salute.

It also shows the Queen Mother, at the time, Duchess of York, doing the salute with them.

A few people have tried to capitalise on the video of a & year old performing the Nazi salute, performing the salute before they had even been voted in to power, before they had committed any atrocities, before their plan for mass genocide was put the fore.

If there was any information about the Nazi's being as anti-Semitic, I doubt the Duchess of York and her children would have been privy to the information.

For instance, if something happened when Fergie and Andrew were still married, would the Palace have been her as someone of great importance to relay information too?

No, and nor would have the Queen mother have been at that point in time.

Is it unfortunate? Yes, but innocent, and the Queen, her husband, and the rest of her family did the best to combat the Nazi's.

The Queen herself joined the women's forces, very famous pictures of her proudly showing off to her mother and father what she had learnt, and proudly wearing the uniform.

So please, before we all jump the gun, it was before the Nazi's were elected, it was before the mass genocide, before they invaded Poland.

At this point and time, Hitler was actually thought of as a saviour for the German people.

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