Wednesday 22 July 2015

Labour Party? What Labour Party?

What a sight the Labour Party is to behold.

Imagine you've been a Labour voter all your life, whether it's because of Tony Blair, Tony Benn, or it was drummed in to you from a young age, and you've watched the Labour party go from a winning machine in 1997 until 2005, to one of it's worst defeats since the 1980's.

You then start to wonder why, and how.

Why is the Labour Party failing so dramatically?

How did it go from a history changing victory landslide, to an embarrassing defeat?

From 418 in 1997 to 232 seats in 2015, how did this happen?

Then you look at the leadership. 2005, Labour's last victory, Tony Blair was still leader of the party, he was still doing his cheshire cat smile, and saying "call me Tony."

He was an actor, a performer, witty, but serious, a joker, yet a statesman, he had it all, but yet knowing deep down his head was firmly up George Bush's arse.

Then you move on to 2010, when Gordon Brown was leader, a man who didn't know how to smile, saw unemployment rise 2.5 million, didn't know how to deal with financial crisis, and sold gold for it's lowest ever value.

Then there was Ed Miliband, a man who was a feminist, without doing anything for feminism, a man who pulled weird faces, thought he was cool because he sat in Russell Brand's kitchen, and started to honestly think he was a sex god.

And then you look at Harriet Harman, a woman who hardly challenges David Cameron, especially when she tells her party to abstain on something that Labour would normally be extremely against.

You see three of the leadership candidates abstain, and one stick to his principles.

Ah the truly left wing candidate, what's he about? He's against bombing ISIL, yet he's friends with Gerry Adams, a man who blew up people for a living. Jeremy Corbyn is basically a wanna be Tony Benn.

Yvette Cooper? Well she's a female carbon carry on of Ed Miliband, and we all know how that turned out!

Andy Burnham? Another carbon carry of Ed Miliband.

Liz Kendall, the new face of New Labour? New New Labour perhaps? A red Tory? Or a Blue Labour? But no-one likes New Labour anymore, they failed the country badly.

How much despair can this party go through before it finally cracks in two? Or possibly three! 

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