Imagine living in Syria, if that is at all possible.
You have your government, the people who are meant to protect you, chemical bombing you, and when you try and flee the chemical bombs you run the risk of bumping into ISIL or ISIS, who sometimes bury people alive, including women and children, Crucifixion, or burning.
Can anyone blame these people for fleeing? No.
I wouldn't a child of mine growing up in a country like that either.
However, here's where I get confused.
The EU states that the first European country you step foot on, is the country you claim asylum.
So firstly, how are they getting through all these other countries and making it to Calais? Why aren't the other European countries doing more to stop this?
Secondly, what is so special about the UK that people are willing to risk their own lives, and the lives of their children, to make it here?
Some believe it's our benefit system, others believe it's our housing (not that there's enough houses to go round), others believe it's to escape the horrors of their native countries, and some believe it's because they're pretending to be asylum seekers, and actually they're ISIL wanting to plant a bomb.
France, buy and large, is a safe country, they have jobs, housing, health care, why are people so desperate to get here?
What can they get here that they can't in France, or Germany, or Belgium?
Why aren't other countries within the EU doing more to stop the migrants from moving from country to country?
Why does the EU look to us to take the brunt of this mass migration? Especially as we're one of the smallest countries within the EU.
Blogging about British politics, sometimes international political events, all views expressed are my own
Thursday, 30 July 2015
Monday, 27 July 2015
I'm actually starting to feel sorry for Jeremy Corbyn.
Not only is he the most principled man in the contest, he's actually left wing.
He believes in socialist principles, and instead of loving him, the party is now running scared from him.
Why would a so called left wing party, run scared of a genuinely left wing leader?
I asked Twitter, some people have said:
"Because they value power over principle, it's harder to get a left wing government into power."
"Because they can't win with left wing policies. Most people want to get on, and the left seem to look down on that."
"Because they all like the idea, but don't want to actually live it, they're all plastics."
Quite damning statements from Twitter!
When a genuine Conservative leader finally comes along, the Conservatives don't run scared, they don't plan a coup to get rid, they embrace.
There's more solidarity in the Conservative Party than there is in the Labour Party. Why?
Because we like people bettering themselves, we don't discriminate, if we did would John Major, a working class bloke from Brixton, have become Prime Minister?
Would Margaret Thatcher, Britain's only female Prime Minister, have been elected three times in a row?
A good strong leader, with Conservative values? Come on in!
The left, without knowing it, do discriminate.
Tony Benn, privately educated, adored by the left, yet they want to rid the country of private education.
Harriet Harman, current Labour leader, privately educated, but remember she isn't as posh as Samantha Cameron despite being a niece of an Earl.
All women shortlists, because women are too weak to stand against men?
Paying higher taxes, and when you point out that you could pay higher taxes now, they give you a list of reasons why it wouldn't be viable to pay it right now.
Capitalists, despite all of them being very good capitalists themselves, usually about writing a book on why we should all be anti-capitalists.
Discrimination, hatred, and hypocrisy is the left's downfall.
They won't put their money where their mouths are, in their world it's OK to live like a capitalist, so long as you talk like a socialist.
Unlike Corbyn, who did not want his children going to private school, claims very little on his expenses, and dresses in a rather mediocre fashion.
For the life of me, I actually am starting to like him!
Not only is he the most principled man in the contest, he's actually left wing.
He believes in socialist principles, and instead of loving him, the party is now running scared from him.
Why would a so called left wing party, run scared of a genuinely left wing leader?
I asked Twitter, some people have said:
"Because they value power over principle, it's harder to get a left wing government into power."
"Because they can't win with left wing policies. Most people want to get on, and the left seem to look down on that."
"Because they all like the idea, but don't want to actually live it, they're all plastics."
Quite damning statements from Twitter!
When a genuine Conservative leader finally comes along, the Conservatives don't run scared, they don't plan a coup to get rid, they embrace.
There's more solidarity in the Conservative Party than there is in the Labour Party. Why?
Because we like people bettering themselves, we don't discriminate, if we did would John Major, a working class bloke from Brixton, have become Prime Minister?
Would Margaret Thatcher, Britain's only female Prime Minister, have been elected three times in a row?
A good strong leader, with Conservative values? Come on in!
The left, without knowing it, do discriminate.
Tony Benn, privately educated, adored by the left, yet they want to rid the country of private education.
Harriet Harman, current Labour leader, privately educated, but remember she isn't as posh as Samantha Cameron despite being a niece of an Earl.
All women shortlists, because women are too weak to stand against men?
Paying higher taxes, and when you point out that you could pay higher taxes now, they give you a list of reasons why it wouldn't be viable to pay it right now.
Capitalists, despite all of them being very good capitalists themselves, usually about writing a book on why we should all be anti-capitalists.
Discrimination, hatred, and hypocrisy is the left's downfall.
They won't put their money where their mouths are, in their world it's OK to live like a capitalist, so long as you talk like a socialist.
Unlike Corbyn, who did not want his children going to private school, claims very little on his expenses, and dresses in a rather mediocre fashion.
For the life of me, I actually am starting to like him!
Wednesday, 22 July 2015
Labour Party? What Labour Party?
What a sight the Labour Party is to behold.
Imagine you've been a Labour voter all your life, whether it's because of Tony Blair, Tony Benn, or it was drummed in to you from a young age, and you've watched the Labour party go from a winning machine in 1997 until 2005, to one of it's worst defeats since the 1980's.
You then start to wonder why, and how.
Why is the Labour Party failing so dramatically?
How did it go from a history changing victory landslide, to an embarrassing defeat?
From 418 in 1997 to 232 seats in 2015, how did this happen?
Then you look at the leadership. 2005, Labour's last victory, Tony Blair was still leader of the party, he was still doing his cheshire cat smile, and saying "call me Tony."
He was an actor, a performer, witty, but serious, a joker, yet a statesman, he had it all, but yet knowing deep down his head was firmly up George Bush's arse.
Then you move on to 2010, when Gordon Brown was leader, a man who didn't know how to smile, saw unemployment rise 2.5 million, didn't know how to deal with financial crisis, and sold gold for it's lowest ever value.
Then there was Ed Miliband, a man who was a feminist, without doing anything for feminism, a man who pulled weird faces, thought he was cool because he sat in Russell Brand's kitchen, and started to honestly think he was a sex god.
And then you look at Harriet Harman, a woman who hardly challenges David Cameron, especially when she tells her party to abstain on something that Labour would normally be extremely against.
You see three of the leadership candidates abstain, and one stick to his principles.
Ah the truly left wing candidate, what's he about? He's against bombing ISIL, yet he's friends with Gerry Adams, a man who blew up people for a living. Jeremy Corbyn is basically a wanna be Tony Benn.
Yvette Cooper? Well she's a female carbon carry on of Ed Miliband, and we all know how that turned out!
Andy Burnham? Another carbon carry of Ed Miliband.
Liz Kendall, the new face of New Labour? New New Labour perhaps? A red Tory? Or a Blue Labour? But no-one likes New Labour anymore, they failed the country badly.
How much despair can this party go through before it finally cracks in two? Or possibly three!
Tuesday, 21 July 2015
Socialism Has Always Failed, and It Always Will
Socialism has failed the very people it’s meant to help.
Just look at Russia a hundred years ago, when the first
world war started, they had a Tsar, and autocrat, a dictator.
The Tsar, Nicholas ii, had the Okranah, a secret police who
infiltrated enemies of the Tsar, who were then brought to justice, either by
being exiled to Siberia, or hung.
The Tsar also owned the lands that the peasants worked on,
and the pay was extremely poor, and often famines were widespread.
When, just before the war ended, the revolution happened,
and Lenin was finally in power, something he had craved for years, what did he
change? How did he make life easier for the poor people of Russia?
After all Lenin had promised three things to the Russian
“Peace!” Meaning he would end Russia’s involvement in World
War One, which he did, but by capturing, and killing the overthrown monarchy,
he helped create a civil war, the Whites (pro-Tsar) vs the Red (pro-Lenin).
“Land!” Meaning he would allow the peasants who worked on
the land, to own the land. Instead he took it for himself, rather like the
“Bread!” Meaning the food of the land they were working on,
was theirs. Again, he took for himself, just like the Tsar.
Also, like the Tsar, he had a secret police, the Cheka, who,
like the Tsar’s secrect police, infiltrated those who were against the dictator
that was Lenin, and they weren’t exiled, they were just hung.
Also, like the Tsar, famines were widespread, but this time,
the famines were a lot worse, in fact crime rates soared.
Often shops were looted, murders were committed in broad
daylight, and more and more people were dying of starvation every day.
If you were caught keeping food from the Cheka, you were
Somehow, Lenin managed to cause all this devastation holding
only a small strip of Russia itself, as the majority of Russia didn’t want
Lenin, they didn’t want to be under communist rule.
And without Lenin, the Russian people would never have had
the pleasures of being under the dictatorship of Stalin.
Josef Stalin, a man who oversaw famines so bad people turned
to cannibalism, who oversaw the defeat of the Nazi’s to just then carry on the
genocide and concentration camps and call them gulags, who oversaw the deaths
of 34 – 49 million “unnatural” deaths.
Or we could go to Cuba, where their elected president was
overthrown by communists, who, like Lenin and Stalin, who took power, and kept
it, all for themselves.
The last time the Cuban people elected their leader was back
in 1944, when Fidel Castro came to the fore, he took away people’s rights to
vote, and became their leader, and quite like our royal family, pass down this presidential
office to his son, and heir.
Or Venezuela, where the president has only stayed in power
because of a decree, the first steps to forming a dictatorship.
Where a packet of condoms costs $755, and food shortages,
because of the Hugo Chavez economic policy failings, are so bad crime rates
have soared, as well as food bank usages.
Or North Korea, where the communist rule, also quite like
our royal family where the mantle is handed down to the son, treats people as
robots, you are not allowed a sense of humour, unless given permission, you are
not allowed an opinion, unless you agree with their leader, and you are not allowed
internet connection.
Or China, a country who gives the people of Hong Kong their
leader, who tells them all to be more like sheep.
A country who kills it’s Bhuddist Monks, who kills people
for protesting, who treats people like vermin.
As you can see, socialism, has always failed those it’s
meant to help. The poor stayed poor, the rich found more power, and in some
cases, those who opposed faced the noose.
Why has it always fail? Because of us, human beings, we are
greedy, we are narcissistic, and we are opinionated.
Reasons why the left
cannot wholly unite under one party, or one dream? No one person can agree with
another 100% of the time, unless your life is at risk then maybe you could.
But with a choice, we all have a different variation of how
we’d like to see things happen.
What might be fair, and equal to one person, isn’t to
The British left, however, are a different breed of left to
that of other nations.
The British left are victims, everything is bad, nothing is
good, the government are never handing out enough benefits, jobs are never
paying well enough, they’re anti this, and anti that.
The British left are a depressed bunch.
3 out of the 4 Labour leadership candidates are from the
same ilk as Tony Blair (we all know how that worked out for us!), and the other
reminds me of Tony Benn, a man who nearly split the party.
They want all the benefits, without consequence, they don’t want
responsibility, they don’t want to be accountable for themselves, they want the
government to take care of them.
Yet the British left is prepared to point the finger at
anyone else but themselves, and they fail to see the hypocrisies that dog them,
for instance:
Tony Benn, a stalwart of the Labour party, the granddad of
the British left, spent his whole political life attacking those who were at
the top, and dodged paying their full tax bill.
After he died, it was revealed that he used a loophole so
his children didn’t pay any tax on the £5 million inheritance he had left them,
not one peep from the left.
But when Gary Barlow,
the famous singer/ songwriter/ musician, accountants used an offshore bank
account so he avoided paying the full tax bill, purely because he had backed
the Tories during the 2010 general election, the left went up in arms about it.
Showing equality? No.
Russell Brand, the comedian who wants a revolution, then
told people to vote Labour because he spoke to Ed Miliband for a couple of
hours, who didn’t answer any of the simple questions asked of him, and decided
that everything was “Wrrong! You’re just Wrrrong!”
Russell Brand, the man who is against capitalism, without it
would be living squalor, the man who capitalised on his ability to make people
laugh, and became rich, the man who thinks the rich should pay more tax, but
won’t do it right now.
Charlotte Church another anti-capitalist rich entertainer,
who capitalised on her ability to sing beautifully as a young child, the woman
who has never worked a hard days graft in her life, married a professional
rugby player, and lived in luxury most of her life, but also thinks rich people
should pay higher tax (70% to be exact), will not put her money where her mouth
Owen Jones, the Guardian columnist, CHAVS supporter, and
anti-establishment author, made £88,000 from his second book, earns £30,000
from his weekly column at the Guardian, and God know how much he makes from the
BBC with every appearance he makes, despises the 1%, despite being part of it, claims
to hate capitalism, despite being a very successful capitalist.
Vivienne Westwood, one of fashions leading designers,
created her wealth by selling to the rich only, despises capitalism.
Labour, a party who claims it is for the working class, has
always left office with unemployment higher than when it entered, higher debt,
higher taxes, and the gap between the poor and rich always, always widens under
Last time Labour were in power, they sent out search parties
for more immigrants to come to our country, but failed to build the required
housing to accommodate them, helping to create the housing crisis we are
currently facing.
They announced that they were going to sell our gold, almost
miraculously the price of gold fell to its lowest ever value.
They started a war on false pretences, which cost us money
and lives.
Labour want you to have your cake and eat it, but sadly,
life isn’t so cushy, in reality, you have to earn your cake, before you can eat
You have to measure out the ingredient, mix them right, then
put it in the oven, at the right temperature, for the right amount of time, let
it cool down once it’s ready, decorate it with fine detail, then it’s ready to
be eaten.
Sometimes you might make a mistake, and have to start all
over again, other times it is salvageable, and sometimes you get it right first
Either way, you have to work hard, before you get to enjoy
the end result.
Labour want you to cheat, and go to a baker, who you can
then blame if turns out nasty, or not as you expected.
Not us, not the Conservatives, we believe we should only be responsible for ourselves, that way you know who's to blame.
Sunday, 19 July 2015
Nazi Salute
The Sun released footage of a 7 year old Princess Elizabeth (who in 1933 was never going to be Queen), doing a Nazi salute.
It also shows the Queen Mother, at the time, Duchess of York, doing the salute with them.
A few people have tried to capitalise on the video of a & year old performing the Nazi salute, performing the salute before they had even been voted in to power, before they had committed any atrocities, before their plan for mass genocide was put the fore.
If there was any information about the Nazi's being as anti-Semitic, I doubt the Duchess of York and her children would have been privy to the information.
For instance, if something happened when Fergie and Andrew were still married, would the Palace have been her as someone of great importance to relay information too?
No, and nor would have the Queen mother have been at that point in time.
Is it unfortunate? Yes, but innocent, and the Queen, her husband, and the rest of her family did the best to combat the Nazi's.
The Queen herself joined the women's forces, very famous pictures of her proudly showing off to her mother and father what she had learnt, and proudly wearing the uniform.
So please, before we all jump the gun, it was before the Nazi's were elected, it was before the mass genocide, before they invaded Poland.
At this point and time, Hitler was actually thought of as a saviour for the German people.
It also shows the Queen Mother, at the time, Duchess of York, doing the salute with them.
A few people have tried to capitalise on the video of a & year old performing the Nazi salute, performing the salute before they had even been voted in to power, before they had committed any atrocities, before their plan for mass genocide was put the fore.
If there was any information about the Nazi's being as anti-Semitic, I doubt the Duchess of York and her children would have been privy to the information.
For instance, if something happened when Fergie and Andrew were still married, would the Palace have been her as someone of great importance to relay information too?
No, and nor would have the Queen mother have been at that point in time.
Is it unfortunate? Yes, but innocent, and the Queen, her husband, and the rest of her family did the best to combat the Nazi's.
The Queen herself joined the women's forces, very famous pictures of her proudly showing off to her mother and father what she had learnt, and proudly wearing the uniform.
So please, before we all jump the gun, it was before the Nazi's were elected, it was before the mass genocide, before they invaded Poland.
At this point and time, Hitler was actually thought of as a saviour for the German people.
Wednesday, 15 July 2015
The European Left Is Doomed... Good!
The European left is in disarray.
Greece voted in Syriza, a far left wing party, a party of "hope" many on the left here and in Spain thought. (Please remember the ancient Greeks thought of hope as an evil Pandora's box)
Now, their leader, Alexis Tsipras, has gone back on every word he promised the people of Greece.
He promised that if the Merkel and Co didn't agree with the settlements he proposed then he would lead them out of Europe.....
Sunday night/ Monday morning he agreed to harsher austerity measures from the EU, and the IMF in order for another bailout.
That's not what he promised the people of Greece, and that's not what their Spanish equivalent, Podemos, were hoping for either.
Even Podemos is suffering it's own losses before it's even begun.
A few months ago they had mayoral elections, Podemos didn't put forward any candidates themselves, however they did back people who represented views extremely close to theirs, and were successful.
However, rather like Tsipras, the Madrid mayor has now said that the policies she said during her election campaign weren't promises, but what she would like to see implemented.....
Podemos have been suffering in Spanish poles recently.
And then there's the British left (who are finally waking up the fact that the EU is nothing more than a giant bully).
Scotland's left wing is alive and kicking, and it's kicking the English as hard as it can.
Scotland want independence, but God forbid England want devolution!
Labour died an awful death in Scotland, and as Mhairi Black said in her maiden speech yesterday:
"I didn't leave the Labour Party, it left me."
10 powerful words they should adhere too, instead Labour has decided back Tory decisions to cap child benefits to the first two children.
Now, as a Tory I am extremely glad that Harman has decided this, but if I put myself as life long Labour supporter, like Mhairi Black's family were, I'd have felt like I'd been let down immensely.
Imagine you've stuck with Labour through thick and thin, you voted for them during the disastrous 1980's, and during the New Labour era of Blair and Brown.
Labour wasn't the only left wing party to suffer awful defeat, the Liberal Democrats were not spared anything.
From 56 MP's wittled down to just 8.
Scotland is, by and large, a socialist state. It has chosen a truly left wing party, and I wish them luck, as the SNP are at least worthy opponents, of this strong Tory government.
So what's happened to the European left?
People are finally waking up to the fact that the left is full of hypocrisy, they promise you one thing, and give you another.
Left wing motto: Do as I say, not as I do.
Greece voted in Syriza, a far left wing party, a party of "hope" many on the left here and in Spain thought. (Please remember the ancient Greeks thought of hope as an evil Pandora's box)
Now, their leader, Alexis Tsipras, has gone back on every word he promised the people of Greece.
He promised that if the Merkel and Co didn't agree with the settlements he proposed then he would lead them out of Europe.....
Sunday night/ Monday morning he agreed to harsher austerity measures from the EU, and the IMF in order for another bailout.
That's not what he promised the people of Greece, and that's not what their Spanish equivalent, Podemos, were hoping for either.
Even Podemos is suffering it's own losses before it's even begun.
A few months ago they had mayoral elections, Podemos didn't put forward any candidates themselves, however they did back people who represented views extremely close to theirs, and were successful.
However, rather like Tsipras, the Madrid mayor has now said that the policies she said during her election campaign weren't promises, but what she would like to see implemented.....
Podemos have been suffering in Spanish poles recently.
And then there's the British left (who are finally waking up the fact that the EU is nothing more than a giant bully).
Scotland's left wing is alive and kicking, and it's kicking the English as hard as it can.
Scotland want independence, but God forbid England want devolution!
Labour died an awful death in Scotland, and as Mhairi Black said in her maiden speech yesterday:
"I didn't leave the Labour Party, it left me."
10 powerful words they should adhere too, instead Labour has decided back Tory decisions to cap child benefits to the first two children.
Now, as a Tory I am extremely glad that Harman has decided this, but if I put myself as life long Labour supporter, like Mhairi Black's family were, I'd have felt like I'd been let down immensely.
Imagine you've stuck with Labour through thick and thin, you voted for them during the disastrous 1980's, and during the New Labour era of Blair and Brown.
Labour wasn't the only left wing party to suffer awful defeat, the Liberal Democrats were not spared anything.
From 56 MP's wittled down to just 8.
Scotland is, by and large, a socialist state. It has chosen a truly left wing party, and I wish them luck, as the SNP are at least worthy opponents, of this strong Tory government.
So what's happened to the European left?
People are finally waking up to the fact that the left is full of hypocrisy, they promise you one thing, and give you another.
Left wing motto: Do as I say, not as I do.
Thursday, 9 July 2015
Greece Echoing Their Ancient Ancestors?
Greece is in full crisis mode. Banks are shut,
pensioners are queuing and crying, people are running out of money, 613 jobs a
day are being lost.
Their government seem to be relying on one thing to
get them through this… hope.
Now we all know the story of the Pandora’s box, a
story written in the times before Christianity, and when the ancient Greeks
worshipped the Greek Gods such as Zeus, Aphrodite, Poseidon, etc.
Pandora’s box is rather like the story of Adam and Eve
in the Garden of Eden, it shows that temptation is sometimes too strong to
Pandora was told never to open then box, but she did,
and all the evils that were in that box were supposedly let loose on us mortal
humans, except one evil, and the evil that managed to stay in the box was hope.
Why did the ancient Greek Gods see hope as evil?
Because it makes you act under a delusion, and can make people rather lethargic.
Instead of really thinking the matter through thoroughly, and making sure all the details are correct, you're just concentrating on what the end product will be, therefore missing some of the small problems that you will come across and sorting them out, you ignore them, hoping they go away.
Not noticing that these small problems all collect together to create one big problem.
Recently the European left have been bleating on about
a “politics of hope” for quite a while now, maybe the Greek government, and the
left in general should remind themselves of Pandora’s box, and remember that it
was thought of as an evil.

Wednesday, 8 July 2015
Budget 2015
What a budget! First Conservative budget in almost 20 years (nearly most of my life!)
I thought, as you would expect, it was a well balanced, thought out budget, fair and square (perhaps with a few niggles here and there, but nothing awful).
Then I ended up thinking, is there anything in that budget the left can complain about?!
Apparently so, but it is slightly hypocritical.
Before the election in May, Ed Miliband, the then leader of the Labour Party, promised that he would get minimum wage up to £8 an hour by 2020, the Conservative Chancellor yesterday promised it would rise to £9 an hour by 2020.
A whole pound more, surely the left would be stumped?
No, they've now decided this isn't enough, am I surprised? No.
Let's face it, anything the Tories out do on Labour will never be high enough, the left are the depressed side of politics with their anti- this and that, is there anything that the left is pro or for?
They always see the cup as half empty, instead of half full, instead of making the best of a situation, all they see is chaos and destruction.
Then again, if the left didn't see the world in this way, would they exist as they do today?
Would we be having this tube strike because the drivers want more, and more pay?
Would they be chanting, ironically, about hope for Greece, which is surprising as the ancient Greek Gods used to think hope was an evil, as it can make you act under a delusion. Perhaps that's their problem.
I thought, as you would expect, it was a well balanced, thought out budget, fair and square (perhaps with a few niggles here and there, but nothing awful).
Then I ended up thinking, is there anything in that budget the left can complain about?!
Apparently so, but it is slightly hypocritical.
Before the election in May, Ed Miliband, the then leader of the Labour Party, promised that he would get minimum wage up to £8 an hour by 2020, the Conservative Chancellor yesterday promised it would rise to £9 an hour by 2020.
A whole pound more, surely the left would be stumped?
No, they've now decided this isn't enough, am I surprised? No.
Let's face it, anything the Tories out do on Labour will never be high enough, the left are the depressed side of politics with their anti- this and that, is there anything that the left is pro or for?
They always see the cup as half empty, instead of half full, instead of making the best of a situation, all they see is chaos and destruction.
Then again, if the left didn't see the world in this way, would they exist as they do today?
Would we be having this tube strike because the drivers want more, and more pay?
Would they be chanting, ironically, about hope for Greece, which is surprising as the ancient Greek Gods used to think hope was an evil, as it can make you act under a delusion. Perhaps that's their problem.
- Owen Jones yes that's what I'm saying
Thursday, 2 July 2015
Russell Brand = World's Biggest Bullshitter
Russell Brand has said that the minute silence tribute to those who were murdered in cold blood, last Friday, in Tunisia is "Bullshit".
30 of the 38 people who were murdered were British.
Russell Brand sometimes thinks so far out the box that the box is no longer in view.
For some reason, Brand can't see that this tribute is exactly that, a tribute. It's not hypocritical, it's a small gesture we can give to these innocent people who died.
They deserve to be recognised, and respected, they deserve one minute, one simple minute.
Instead Russell sees it as some capitalistic hypocritical opportunity, because Britain sells arms to the Tunisian government......
Instead of seeing it as the one minute these people deserve. Many of them died protecting their loved ones, others died hiding or trying to run away.
Either way, none of these people deserved the death they got, and the smallest tribute we as a country can give them is one minutes worth of silence.
I have huge respect for the dead, the families of the dead and injured, respect for the locals who formed a human shield.
As for Brand...... who cares?
30 of the 38 people who were murdered were British.
Russell Brand sometimes thinks so far out the box that the box is no longer in view.
For some reason, Brand can't see that this tribute is exactly that, a tribute. It's not hypocritical, it's a small gesture we can give to these innocent people who died.
They deserve to be recognised, and respected, they deserve one minute, one simple minute.
Instead Russell sees it as some capitalistic hypocritical opportunity, because Britain sells arms to the Tunisian government......
Instead of seeing it as the one minute these people deserve. Many of them died protecting their loved ones, others died hiding or trying to run away.
Either way, none of these people deserved the death they got, and the smallest tribute we as a country can give them is one minutes worth of silence.
I have huge respect for the dead, the families of the dead and injured, respect for the locals who formed a human shield.
As for Brand...... who cares?
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