Sunday 15 June 2014

British Values: The Left are Scared of Them!

Why do the left hate Britishness?

For some reason it absolutely terrifies them.

Owen Jones has written in his Guardian column today that this attempt from the government is "meaningless at best, dangerous at worst."

However he, and many others on the left, would fight tooth and nail if ethnic minorities felt that their values were being deleted, ignored, or squashed.

So why is it "dangerous" to want British values also recognised?

I feel as if the left see British values as a white mans game, instead of a universal thing.

Britishness today celebrating, and respecting, other religions celebrations such as Diwali, Ramadam, and Eid.

It's having an Indian takeaway, kebab, Chinese, Lebanese, etc.

When the left run scared of British values, and Britishness, they're empowering far right-wing groups like the EDL, and BNP, and even growing parties the UKIP, which to me is far more dangerous.

I for one welcome teaching British values in schools, it's where they're born, and live, and we should all be proud of it, not running scared.

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