Wednesday 4 December 2013

Why supporting whistle blowers is a dangerous game

Although whistle blowers probably have the right intention, their actions are extremely dangerous and wrong.

They are wrong for our men and women in the armed forces.

Edward Snowden knew, even before he had given the secret information away, that his career and freedom would be over with, so surely he knew he was putting his fellow men and women who were in the American Armed Forces at risk too?

Just because you don't agree with the measures that your government is going to take, does it give you right to put others at risk with their lives?

The left seem to be in favour of these whistle blowers. Owen Jones recently said at an anit-war conference we should "Salute them because they lift the veil in Iraq and elsewhere, and stripped the veil  the secrecy on Western power."

Now, I understand we may not agree with what our government plans are, but there different measures of doing this, and I think not so long ago, our MP's proved this by voting against intervention in Syria.

I was extremely proud of every MP, no matter what side of the house they sat, who voted against, a democratic way of showing the leadership what the people really want.

Whistle blowers are a danger not just to themselves, but to their colleagues, who they unfairly put in the firing line, allowing the extremist this information does not help anybodies cause, least of all our own.

If he really, really disagreed with the measures that the American government were taking I'm pretty sure Edward Snowden could have thought of better ways than doing it, definitely more democratically at least.

Allowing a newspaper such as The Guardian to print such top secret plans is a disgrace to himself and nobody else.

People need to start thinking of the consequences before they action. He had obviously thought of the consequences against himself, but not for his fellow country men. What if the plans he had leaked had gotten some of them killed? How would he have felt? How would Owen Jones have felt if these, also innocent, people had died because of one man's actions.

If Tony Blair is a sham, then surely that would have made Edward Snowden one as well?

Maybe the leftwing need to get off their high horse, yes the war in Iraq and Afghanistan I believe was wrong, and I'm glad that the MP's voted against intervention because it seems to have had a domino affect (so much the small island no one pays attention to Mr Putin).

However, unlike the Iraq and Afghanistan intervention, we weren't told a bunch of lies about the reasonings to go in their, we had the truth told to us, and we decided what was best.

I do believe majority of these whistle blowers have the best of intentions, but their actions have dire consequences outside their lives, and maybe they should take their heads out of the clouds, and start thinking of others within their own country as well as other countries around the world.

I hope other wanna be whistle blowers think it thoroughly through before leaking such information, not only ending their own freedom, but possibly that of the others around them too, maybe one day someones life which to me makes them just as extreme and the Islamist extremist their colleagues are fighting on a daily basis.

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