Sunday 19 January 2014

Why capitalism is here to stay

Once again, the left are fight another losing battle, this time against capitalism.

Russel Brand, Bob Geldof, and Owen Jones are all left-wing hypocrites.

They claim we need a revolution in politics, and in some instances they may be correct.

All of them claim to be against, capitalism, two of them are extremely rich, and Owen is also a brilliant little capitalist as well, his best selling novel CHAVS; The Demonisation of the Working Class

Brand got $10m dollars for his movies, and God know's how much Geldof gets in royalties for his music.

None of these people live by what they preach, none of them prove that left-wing idea's such as socialism, communism and Marxism can actually work.

If they actually want a revolution, why not prove it works, because from where I'm standing they're all mouth, and no action.

This is why capitalism is here to stay, good and strong.

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