Tuesday 7 January 2014

Benefits; Why the left is fighting a losing battle

The subject of benefits is a tricky one.

People on the left side of politics vs people on the right.

Neither of them are backing down, and neither of them are painting the correct picture.

Firstly, the right paint a picture of everyone who is on benefits, is committing fraud, are feckless, rough and common.

This obviously is not true.

People on the left paint a picture of community spirit, people who get up everyday and search for a job, hardship and struggle.

This, also, is obviously not true.

The true picture is somewhere in between, yes there are people who are feckless, have never worked a day in their life, and lived off of benefits.

But there are also those who have striven to find a job daily, who want to work, and have a community spirit.

Sadly, there is less and less of community spirit these days. When I think of community spirit I think of small villages in the countryside where everyone know's each other, not towns, or councils estates or cities.

This image I have is wrong, I'm sure there are towns with community spirit, I know for a fact there are council estates with community spirit, but still doesn't get rid of the image in my head.

The lefts problem is a massive one, it doesn't just cover benefits, it covers most of their policies. They like to ignore fraudsters, including rich ones. Just look at the banking crisis which happened under a Labour government. (One which Ed Miliband, and Balls were part of!)

They like to sweep the feckless, and the fraudsters under the carpet, they don't want to deal with them, just left them be.

This is what fuels the right, and many floating voters, and this is something the left should look at, as many people are equally annoyed by those who commit benefit fraud, or have never worked a day in their life, and think they are owed their benefits because they are British, and trust me these people do exist.

So lets deal with the Bankers, and lets deal with the Benefit Fraudsters, because if we don't deal with both, we will never get out of debt, the left will keep fueling the right, which will never change the public's opinion.

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