Monday 12 December 2016

Fair Right Insurgence: Blame The Left

For too long the left have been silencing people with small problems regarding immigration, or even religion.

Instead of answering questions, and listening to people's concerns, the left called them racists, ignorant, and right wing.

Some of these people were not left wing, for instance when in 2010 on the run up to the election, Gordon Brown, then Prime Minister and Labour leader, was asked by pensioner Gillian Duffy about immigration coming from Europe.

He didn't answer but instead tried to smile for the cameras, obviously forgetting he still had his mic on, he was overheard calling her a "Bigoted woman."

For too long the "third way" politics ignored people's small concerns, and I have been saying this for a while, this ignorance of the left has turned people's small issues into hatred.

The left have only got themselves to blame, because they were being the ignorant ones.

Many in Labour have turned to UKIP, who are now a real threat to Labour safe seats.

This "third way" politics was all about image, about looking cool, trying to befriend the coolest celebrity at the time.

Blair with Noel Gallagher, Bill Clinton and his saxophone, Ed Miliband and Lily Allen, Barack Obama and his voice, Hilary Clinton and doing the "Mannequin Challenge" with Jon Bon Jovi.

They weren't talking about issues, they weren't listening to problems people had.

Now in the UK we have UKIP as a real threat, and the USA has just elected the dumbest, misogynistic, homophobic President ever.

The left only have themselves to blame.

The irony is, the left is meant to champion the people and any issues they may have, instead for decades they've been silencing and ignoring, which is plain ignorance and arrogance.