Wednesday 22 May 2013


Today and disgusting incident happened. A young man, supposedly in the army, was brutally murdered in what could be a terrorist attack.

There's a video showing one of the murderers talking to a by stander who was filming, showing his blood soaked hands, saying 'Your government doesn't care about you.'

This incident is utterly appalling, and something needs to be done about our boarders, and how we deal with such cases.

Firstly I would like to point out that EDL, and BNP are NOT the people to turn to, they are racist and just as bad as the people who commit these crimes.

We do, however, need to make sure that our service men and women aren't targeted, and nor are normal innocent people.

The family of this young man need support, not anger, they comforting, fighting, and they will need strength, not hate.

I feel sorry for ethnic communities, because people like these two murderers will tar them with the same brush, and that isn't fair, and by going with the likes of the  EDL and BNP, we are taking away any dignity they have in this country.

Let us show these murderers that we are a strong community, not one easily deterred by their disgusting crimes that they decide to commit.

RIP to the young, and my condolences go his family.

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