Thursday 9 May 2013

No to EU Referendum

For some reason Labour are reluctant to give us a referendum whether we want to stay in the EU or not. Labour really hate giving us, the electorate, a voice but you have to remember 'they're for the people'........

I personally want to leave the EU, unless David Cameron can make sure the EU doesn't treat us like a money bank for countries that are struggling and give them a few trillion Euros, I don't see how the EU has treated us fairly.

I know countries like Germany, and France like to abuse us is because we won't join the single currency, and why would we? It's failing before our very eyes, it was originally introduced to help smaller countries in the EU, not France and Germany who have dominated it since day dot, and now places like Greece, and Spain a drowning in their single currency issues.

Labour, as the party for the people, should all be for giving us a voice, allow us to say yes or no. Instead they are running scared of us, of their own voters, most of whom would probably vote to stay in the EU along with the Lib Dems.

So come on Labour prove to us you're a party that stands by its standards and give us the voice to tell you what we, your employers, want!

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