Tuesday 22 November 2011


Occupy LSX and Occupy Wall Street have going on for a good while now, the protesting against Capitalism.

I don't mind protests, I agree with having protests, and I agree we should be allowed to protest if we want to voice our opinions in that manner.

Obviously the riots in London earlier this year, I did not agree with.

One man I had an argument with said, he understood what they were protesting for. Well if looting is protesting I must be on the wrong planet.

I also asked him, if I was one of the looters, and burnt down his house, because my mates were doing it, he replied, "I would try and understand why you had done it?"

I'm pretty sure I just gave the reason why, 'because my mates were doing it'.

I also find protesting hypocrytical. There was a small protest against boarder controls getting more strict. I asked, "So do you want any Tom Dick and Harry to be let in", to which he replied "Yes."

If that is the case, don't moan we have no money, mortgages are going up, and insurances go up. The risk goes up if anyone is allowed in the country.

Look at Australia, quite rightly strict and letting people live there, and guess what? They don't have a debt crisis, they don't over 100,000 illegal immigrants missing, they don't have mortgage rates that make you want to cry.

Being strict isn't being nasty, being strict with money is actually a pretty smart thing to do.

Another thing is if you are going to protest, do so peacefully. Don't smash windows which costs insurance, and guess what happens when you vandalise quite an expensive building, rates will go up, every time there's a protest, people will want things insured, and insurance companies will make things more expensive to insure, so please don't break anything, I can't afford to pay off your little temper tantrum.

The teachers going on protests I think is a complete scam. They get the best amount of holidays, the get good pay, they have unions backing them up, and from what I can gather is that the left, who are meant to be for the working class, are allowing these people to go on strict and leave single parent families to fend for themselves.

What if that parent can't afford the day off but has to take it because the teachers don't like the fact that their pensions aren't as expensive on the rest of the world?

What happens to that parent, that if they take the day off, they get no pay for, no help or backing from these protestors who are claiming that they are doing this "for the people".

That parent could lose their job, which means they lose their income, which means it's difficult to buy food in this ever growing VAT, and petrol, and bills.

But of course the left, once again, are being selfish and don't agree, and don't want to listen. They want to be heard, but they never listen.

I have to say I'm not taring all the left wingers with the same brush. There are a few who I admire, respect, and have a lot of time for, but the majority who shout, are rude, and generally don't listen, just back up my views of protests being hypocrytical. I would love them to prove me wrong, but I know they won't.

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