Friday 14 October 2011

The Centre

There is something I've noticed in politics, started in 1997 when Tony Blair became our new Prime Minister, and New Labour was all anyone could talk about.

The main parties from the left and right were moving ever so closer to the middle. Whether you a Labour supporter or a Tory, you can't deny the mssive leap both parties have taken. Although the Tories only really caught on in 2005 when David Cameron won the leadership.

For Labour since Tony Blair's demise they haven't had much luck with the two leaders who have preceeded him. Gordon Brown, enough said already, then Ed Miliband, a back stabbing, weak, no-one cares about leader of the opposition.

But then there's David Cameron, our Prime Minister, who seems to be trying to resemble Tony Blair in nearly everything he does!

Even when it comes to their policies, there isn't much difference anymore. The only difference seems to be the order they would do it in!

Labour would have raised the VAT just at a later date, Labour would have helped out Libya but probably more in a hands on way if the Afghan war is anything to go by, and Labour would have done a lot of things the same, just at a later date. The only difference I can see in policies, the NHS bill. Maybe Labour would have gone around it differently, but who knows if it would have worked, their track record is hardly anything to go by!

At the moment I'm not happy with the Tories, neither Labour, and the Liberal Democrats......... where are they?

Words of advice to the Tories, stop U-Turning, stop using famous quotes, and stop dropping governtment documents in public bins, (Mr Letwin). One other thing, Mr Cameron, don't employ anyone who has worked for Mr Murdoch, its like you're trying to ruin your own career

And to Labour, Mr Miliband get a back bone, get some policies, don't put yourself in the same boat as Martin Luther King or the Suffragettes ,and get some personality, it's like watching paint dry with you as opposition, and try to ask some real questions that are bothering the nation, it would be nice if it looked like you were taking it seriously!

The centre is a pretty boring, and it seems, dangerous place to be, maybe each take a step back and bring back real politics!

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