Friday 1 June 2012


Ever since the Royal Wedding last year, I've read some tweets that have given me a different view on republicans. They don't really have a decent argument to get rid of them, other than the fact they find it old fashioned, or expensive. (President Obama has actually cost the American people more than what the royal wedding cost us)

I myself am a monarchist, I like them, I think they at times they can do more for political situations, such as visiting the Republic of Ireland. No amount of Prime Ministers/ Presidents would have been able to have half the effect it did when the Queen went to over.

Politicians like Barak Obama, David Cameron, Angela Merkel, François Hollande, they all have influence when in office, but are they remembered?  Only a handful on Prime Ministers are remembered such as Winston Churchill, Margeret Thatcher, Tony Blair.

Churchill is only really remember because of WII, Thatcher is remembered for the decisions she made throughout the '80s, and Tony Blair will be remembered for taking us into Afghanistan, and the first Labour leader to be elected in office for three consecutive terms.

None of these people will be remembered too well within a hundred years. Unlike the Queen, not only has she been on the throne for 60 years now, but made an historical visits.

America, a republican, proud country, who love our Monarchy! They don't have history to be proud of, a few presidents here and there have made the headlines, and been remembered. JFK for his assassination, Abraham Lincoln abolishing slavery, George Washington first ever President George Bush Senior and Junior for being the first father and son to win the Presidential race.

I believe we, the British, live in the perfect democracy. We have a royal family, and we have a Prime Minister who we elect as the person and party to take care of our countries interests.

The Prime Minister, whether they be Labour, Conservative, Liberal Democrat (although looking less likely with every passing second), they have more power over what goes on in the country than the Queen could ever have. She gives them guidance, which we are lucky to have someone within our Democracy who has so much knowledge to pass on.

Not only does the Queen represent Britain, she also represents our past, our future (Charles, William, etc), and pride.

America's history is rather boring, they have nothing other than Independence Day, and Thanks Giving, to celebrate. Their history is rewritten every four to eight years, there's no longevity, nothing to claim to the world other than themselves.

Where as Britain has a past, we know where we've come from, we have periods for things, the Victorian ages, the Tudors, I guess we would be the Elizabethans. 

I think we should be proud of our past, and our Royal Family. They bring in tourism, they take big political steps, they can guide our politicians, and give a country a symbol, a status, a meaning, and history.

So in my opinion I would rather have a Monarch than a President, at least we will never end up with a man like George W. Bush!

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