Tuesday 15 January 2019

What A Croc of Sh*te

Sorry for the harsh title, but Owen Jones has hit a new level of bollocks.

Owen was having ago at people for writing for papers like The Sun, basically was calling them murderers.

But when it was pointed out to him that Owen himself had written for The Sun, his excuse was:

What a load of utter, stinking, rancid, bullsh*t.

What Owen has missed is, he may not have been paid by The Sun to write a column, but he did, and he did so that the sales of his new book would go up.

No he wasn't denouncing it, the only people to gain from his column, was Owen himself, of course his publishing company, and (ironically) The Sun, because for in order for people to read his column people would either have the physical paper, meaning they would have to search for his piece most likely reading other pieces in their search, or click on a link taking them to the website, which would have advertised their other columns, which people may have clicked on after reading Owen's.

This would be hilarious if it wasn't so pathetic, and self serving. How narcissistic do you have to be to write in a paper, you apparently hate, to gain more sales, therefore more profits, for your newly released book, which is called capitalising, an ideology you claim to also hate......

Then again, I do believe a lot of rich left wingers live by the motto "It's OK to live like a capitalist, so long as you talk like a socialist".

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