Wednesday 4 February 2015

Cutting vs Spending

The left just don't seem to understand why the Tories are cutting, well I will give a simple example of an average Briton.

Tim Smith, who's 17, wants to buy himself a car as he's jsut passed his driving test, how does he go about getting the money for the car; does he:

a) Spend all he's got and hope he's bailed out?


b)  save as much as he can, and CUT down on his outgoings as much as economically possible?

The answer is B, of course you already knew that.

Here is another example.

Sarah has got her first credit card statement, and sees she's spent a little more than she had originally planned for, does she:

a) Spend more on the credit to hope it gets so high she has to turn to a loan shark where the APR is well over 2000%


b) try and pay off what she's already spent, and try and sort out her outgoings, and see where she can cut down?

Again, it B that's the correct answer.

So, why on earth would anyone think that you would do the opposite when it comes to sorting out a failing economy?

How on earth can you spend your way of debt? You can't.

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