Monday 29 September 2014

Benefits Freeze

George Osborne has just laid out a line of benefit freezes, Labour and the left in general will be screaming at their TV's!

But they are angry at the wrong people, they should be angry at Labour.

Labour allowed any Tom, Dick and Harry to abuse the system, they didn't regulate the banks enough, bailed them out with our money, and overspent by starting a war on false pretences, and selling gold for it's lowest ever value.

If Labour actually controlled who could receive benefits, and how much, the banks, and didn't start a war on false pretences, maybe this Tory-led government wouldn't have to be taking such drastic measures.

And for those of you wondering if George Osborne for not repeating his line from four years ago, of getting rid of the deficit by 2015, which is now obviously an impossible task.

Osborne had no idea of the scale of damage Labour had really done to our economy, even Osborne was giving them a benefit of doubt, never again.

A great speech, by a great Chancellor.

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