Monday 8 August 2011


Well, if I didn't know what was happening and had just turned on the news, I would have thought they were talking about Syria or Lybia.

The rioting in Tottenham is awful, and down right disgusting behaviour. This is Britain, a proud small country, despite this size, have power, I would say money but Labour took care of that.

I am a proud Briton, I am proud to say this is my home country, the place where I was taught wrong from right. The rioting in Tottenham was for Mark Duggan, a young man who had shot police officer, who then shot back, and sadly he was killed.

His family, who I have a lot of respect for, are obviously beside themselves, angry, and probably slightly lost. But to cause these riots in his name is absolutely revoulting. His family need support, not chaos. They need peace, time to get used to whats happened to them, and how they are going to cope.

The people involved are a disgrace to this nation, the people of this country (sounding like Blair now) and their families.

This is where our justice system needs to get tougher. When there is no consequence and no morals, why wouldn't they cause anarchy? We need someone or something that terrifies the young in to doing right, not wrong. I don't mean the death penalty, I can see reasons for and against, but there does need to be something within the jails or juvenile detention centres otherwise this will never end. Also the debt to clean all this up, well that will be coming out of our wage package, so thank you again rioters, for wasting mine and all working people out there's money, very considerate of you!

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