Tuesday 26 November 2019


Two weeks until we take to the polls to decide between Johnson & Corbyn.

However, things haven't run as smoothly as last time for Labour & Corbyn.

Today the Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis wrote an article in The Times about the dangers of Corbyn becoming Prime Minister for not just the Jewish community but the 'soul of our nation@.

I have to agree. Corbyn is dangerous because, if he isn't anti-Semitic himself, he has been willingly blind towards it.

There has been countless complaints regarding anti-Semitism within the Labour Party, and they've done the bare minimum to combat it.

Even when BBC's Panorama did an investigation, Labour & Labour supporters laughed it off, and only spoke about the music, totally ignoring the fact the someone had genuinely thought about suicide because of it.

Labour & Corbyn aren't doing enough, or anything to put the Jewish community's mind at rest, and yet seem confused when people are still complaining about it.

Apparently there have cases of Labour canvassers arguing with people on their doorsteps over the issue.

Not to mention the fact that Labour want to prolong the Brexit issue by wanting ANOTHER 3 months to renegotiate a new deal with the EU, which they will then vote down in the House of Commons, and give the public another referendum between their new deal, which they would have just voted down, and remaining.

They've even said they would then campaign against their own new deal, and work for remain winning.

Jean-Claude Juncker has said he can't see the EU allowing another renegotiation.

The Conservative Party are the only party, apart from the Brexit Party, offering us a way out, of honoring the first referendum result, which has been, thanks to our democratic loving MPs, blocked at every corner.

Voting for the Conservatives is the only way to get Brexit out of the way, so we can start concentrating on other issues.

And then of course there is Labour's spending plans. Spending plans that would kill the country, see off entrepreneurs, and see unemployment grow to levels we can't even begin imagine.

Remember, Corbyn is a fan of Hugo Chavez, the late Venezuelan leader, and Maudro, the current Venezuelan leader, who's socialist policies have seen people having to eat their pets to stay alive.

Corbyn is a fan of Cuban's late dictator Castro, where you have to ask permission to change jobs, move house, go on holiday, and freedoms such as striking and protesting are illegal, and the only union is owned by the dictatorship.

Then there's Diane Abbott's defense of brutal Communist dictator Mao,, who's policies were a direct result in roughly 60 million deaths.

Or the ex Soviet Union, which Communist policies were the direct results in 39-52 million deaths.

I really cannot fathom why any decent intelligent people could possibly find any reason to vote for this extreme, left wing, anti-Semitic Labour Party.

And there I was thinking "RedEd" was dangerous!

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