Wednesday 28 August 2013

Syria: Reasons not to intevene

What is currently happening in Syria is an awful, and vile act human kind. It shows what too much power can do to one person.

However, do I believe that Britain, or any other Western country should intervene? No.

How would bombing from the USA, UK, and any other Western Country help the people of Syria? How would it help bring peace the Syrians? Would calm, or anger the Assad Regime? Would it save or kill more lives? And last but not least, can we, or they, actually afford another war?

By the last question I'm not just talking about money, what about lives lost. Can either country really afford anymore lives lost to a war? Can the mother's, children, siblings, and friends afford more heartache at watching their loved ones fighting a war with no real end in sight?

These are the things I hope David Cameron is thinking about, otherwise we might as well have just kept Tony Blair as Prime Minister, because I cannot see a lot of difference between either man at the moment.

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