Monday 18 March 2013

Press Regulation

I think today has been pretty embarrassing for all of the main three parties.

The Lib/Lab coalition for Press Regulation has been awfully organised, mainly due to that dreadfully British actor Hugh Grant.

Hugh Grant's phone was hacked, yes, but do I care about his feelings towards it? No.

Firstly because he is on the public eye, and chose to be so, no one forced him become an actor. Secondly, Milly Dowler's parents have every right to be so angry at the press, and how they abused their daughter's case. Also Sara Payne, who's daughter Sarah Payne was kidnapped and murdered, was given a phone by News Int's Rebekah Brooks which was obviously hacked.

These people have absolutely 100% right to hate, and be completely disgusted by our press, and the way they used their tragedies just to sell some papers.

So how can Hugh Grant even stand next to these people, who have gone through tragedies he couldn't even imagine how the felt, or even feel today.

Hacked Off are a brilliant voice for the real victims of hacking, and a fantastic driving force to get the people responsible brought to justice.

I also agree with Owen Jones, (and I thought pigs would fly before I ever typed that sentence), is correct in saying that the 'free press' we have at the moment, is largely run by millionaires, who think they are above the law, and can bribe anyone into doing what they want.

Such as News International, and Trinity Mirror. Both have had journalists arrested for hacking phones, therefore both as bad as each other.

I don't believe the press need regulating, but I do believe justice will be brought to those who deserve it, such as the Dowler family, and the Payne family. Hopefully people like Rebekah Brooks, and Andy Coulson will be punished, and the journalists from the Daily Mirror as well.

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