Thursday 9 June 2011

35 hour week

I have been hearing a lot of talk about 35 hour working weeks.

Now as a lazy person, I am all for it! But if I was an employer of a small company, I would dread to think the government or any other part would back this idea.

Small companies would lose out completely! Not only would they have to keep trying to get jobs done in shorter times, (which is unfair on the employed), they would have to keep the same wages for everyone (which is unfair on the employer).

More people would need to be employed (on the same wage as everyone else doing the same job), which means the company would need more projects/jobs, but there are only so many projects/jobs for each company out there!

It is not economically good for the country! Every country needs small businesses. Small businesses which are allowed to expand and grow, and keep people employed to a good standard! Otherwise the cost of living becomes harder and harder.

Some of the left are saying this is workers rights, but how is this fair, especially in this economic crisis that our country is in?

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